One of America’s fastest growing sports. It is easy to learn, fun and very safe to play. Paintball is offered year-round. We can supply markers, paintballs and safety gear. Our tactical field offers bunkers, shields, barrels and lots of competition. Our deep woods course has huge barriers, wooded bunkers and many tactical forts allowing for many strategy games. Both of these courses are designed for beginner and advanced players.
Safety is very important to us. Before each game our certified trained referees will give you a 3-5 minute course and rule instruction, plus a safety lesson before you can enter the field to play. C.A paintball is opened to anyone age 10 and up. Each player must read and agree to all rules and regulations. You also must have a signed waiver that will be sent to you before receiving your deposit for your reservation.
So if it’s your first time or if you’re a seasoned player get your friends together and register today. For any questions email me at [email protected]
Any participant under the age of 18 MUST have the required release form signed by a parent or guardian in order to play
Download Paintball Release of Liability Form
Basic Safety:
Wear masks at all times
When a game is being played, wear your mask at all times. Do not remove your mask in the dead zone if the dead zone is within range of the field. There are no exceptions to this rule. Keep masks on until barrel plugs have been placed back on all loaded guns. Remember that most severe paintball injuries occur because someone removed their mask at an inappropriate time.
Drink and Play NOT ALLOWED
If you are under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medicine, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY PAINTBALL. NO EXCEPTIONS.
No Blind Firing
Do not fire if you can’t see what you are firing at. Many players are tempted to stick their guns out and fire without looking, but avoid this. Blind firing can lead to accidentally shooting players who are leaving the field, referees, or other things you shouldn’t shoot.
Close-range shots are considerably more painful than shots from a distance and it is customary to offer a surrender to any opposing player within twenty feet. Many fields require players to accept surrender if another player has come within twenty feet and has a shot on them.
Shoot Less Than 300 FPS
Keep paintball velocities under 300 (and generally under 280) feet per second (FPS). Gun speeds can be timed with a paintball chronograph (available to use at most pro shops), and should be carefully monitored. A paintball that travels at 280 FPS can cause small bruises, while a paintball that travels faster can cause significantly more damage including severe welts and broken skin.
Use Barrel Plugs
Whenever masks are not being worn, all guns should be blocked with a barrel plug or barrel sock. Safeties are good and should be used, but they often fail or are not properly used, and a physical protection from wayward paintballs is a must. Unless everyone has a mask on, do not take out your barrel plugs.
Common Sense
Most problems can be avoided if you just use common sense. Don’t shoot private property. Don’t shoot out of a moving vehicle. Don’t look down the barrel of a loaded gun. Don’t shoot yourself, etc. If you ever wonder if something might be a good idea, it’s not.
Don’t Take Off Your Mask Until the Game is Over
This has already been said, but needs repeating: DO NOT REMOVE YOUR MASK WHILE A GAME IS STILL BEING PLAYED! Most severe injuries can be avoided if players simply keep their masks on.